What is ’core business’ in times of crisis?
3 advice on business that is Best For the World in turbulent times.
3 advice on business that is Best For the World in turbulent times.
Emprogage organizes work through a holistic life-affirming design based on dynamic and static aspects. Grounded in the guiding principles of Empathy, Proactivity, and Engagement, a self-organizing cell structure provides a work ecosystem where humans can be whole. The result is an innovative, explorative, and experiential culture in a direction that is best for the world.
Emprogage is not an ordinary consultancy. But what makes it different? Is it its Emprogagers or their co-creations? The self-organization in a dynamic cell structure? Working for what is best for the world? Or making intentional decisions and having the fundamental assumption that there is always a choice? Get to experience the wholeness of Emprogage through the Emprogage Being Document.
Emprogage welcomes a new consultant and owner. Emprogager Tomas Holasek is an experienced leader and interim-CEO who contributes in the direction of ego-less leadership behaviors. With his superpower to create environments of trust and to break down obstacles between people, we are excited to co-create into the direction that is best for the world. Welcome, Tomas!
Within two weeks almost 100 people from around the world have been co-creating content during the four day Best for the World live broadcasting. Afterward, they came together to reflect on the self-organizing way of working, trusting the process of building a bridge to the new paradigm while working on it, and together explore opportunities for moving into the direction of Best For the World.
Emprogage hosts a four-day Live Broadcasting that invites people to move into the direction that is Best for the World. During the time of COVID-19 when the world is in synchronicity, around 100 Co-creators come together to create content in 50 concepts. The content is of holistic nature and spans over various topics addressing the person, team, organization and society.
Idag föddes Emprogage – ett konsultbolag som verkar för det som är bäst för världen. Från start är det 16 konsulter som alla medvetet väljer empati, proaktivitet och delaktighet för att facilitera skiftet från bäst-i-världen till bäst-för-världen. Det rör sig om hela spannet från medarbetar- och ledarutveckling, via organisations- och affärsutveckling till samhällsutveckling och världsförbättring.
On January 2018 over 30 co-creators followed the invitation to together create a new consultancy company. The calling question for an Open Space workshop format was: ”How can we design a Consulting firm based on Empathy, Proactivity and Engagement?”