
Our reason for existence

Co-creating a paradigm shift

We see a world where I and WE are ONE.
A paradigm where everyone can win and where we all take intentional decisions that work for What is Best FOR the World.
A paradigm where every person’s choices matter and where we all are whole.

Twenty years from now, looking back, we will see that we were in the middle of a major shift.
A shift from becoming Best in the World to be Best FOR the World. In other words, a shift from egocentric to ecocentric values.
A shift to a world where winners don’t define losers. Where WE don’t define and are not defined by THEM.

The Society We Create

We have been taught the story of becoming best in the world – a story where competition and materialism rules. The law of the jungle – you have to win and the second is the first loser. In that paradigm, every winner has at least one loser. The environment is something outside us, something else than us. The story is that whatever happens to the world, or even in the world, it is nothing we can do anything about.

We strive to become the best in the world – on behalf of all the rest. In that paradigm, we have separated us from the whole. I can’t help or contribute when there are problems in my organisation, in my society or in the world. Someone else is to be blamed.

We need to feel, see, and experience to be able to relate to a bigger picture. At the same time, we have been taught to reduce systems to make them simple. What then happens is that the power of the system is lost. An alternative is to use heuristic and simple principles to navigate the system.

The future is not something we should be equipped to meet – The future is something we create!

How can we create the future we want? What principles are valid (or even needed) in the new paradigm? What happens if our decisions create our perception? And what if perception really creates reality? Can we then make intentional decisions and heal ourselves and at the same time heal the world? Can we create such a framework? A framework for our organisations and societies as well as for ourselves as human beings and persons. Can we create such a world?

We invite you to co-create the future with us!

Emprogage's Purpose

The purpose of Emprogage is to work for what is Best FOR the World
by intentionally choosing empathy, proactivity and engagement.

Emprogage's Mission

Emprogage facilitates the paradigm shift
from becoming Best IN the World to be Best FOR the World.