
Allmännadalen dialog

Allmännadalen / Common Valley


Nu mer än någonsin behöver vi dialogen och det demokratiska samtalet, och mötesformer såsom Almedalen är viktiga. Många initiativ just nu innebär radikal omställning från det tidigare paradigmet till ett nytt – en kunskap som skapas och som kan fångas och omsättas – en rad fenomen som utgörs av hela världen som en enorm testbädd för ett nytt paradigm. Vi kan både nå de globala målen och ta oss vidare som samhälle och värld!

#Allmännadalen och #CommonValley ger möjligheten att hjälpas åt att genomföra ”Allmännadalen” digitalt nu i år – samma dagar som ursprungsplanen för Almedalen 2020. Vi behöver med andra ord uppdatera våra grundantaganden och principer för hur samhällsdialogen förs och samhällsutvecklingen görs. Det kompletterar genomförandet av Almedalen 2021 i Visby, och tillför redan nu en ny delaktighetsdimension som gör att samtalen blir av och öppnar samtidigt upp för de som annars inte kan vara med – ett Almedalen 3.0, hållbart och framtidssäkrat och ett sätt att utveckla vårt gemensamma demokratiska samtal!


In times of great change lies the biggest opportunities. How can we together form and create the future? Common Valley is a way to inspire and engage in dialogues and democratic conversations. This means to update fundamental assumptions and principles for societal development and dialog.

Use #CommonValley to engage more people and inspire others. For more than 50 years Almedalen in Sweden have been a democratic arena inviting people to Co-create. #CommonValley is a way to test bed new forms in times where we as world need the dialog at most. A way to learn together and from each other and to reach the Sustainable Development goals together – a conversation both local and global!

Stellan Nordahl, Emprogage
info@emprogage.se +46 707 482 582

Ulrica Fager, Ship of a New Story
info@shipofanewstory.com +46 070-921 96 90

Rikard Lundgren, 2change
rikard@2change.com +46 761 872 000

Yasemin Arahan, Altitude Meetings
yasemin@altitudemeetings.se +46 70-992 80 48

EMPROGAGE consists of consultants working for what is best for the world. Our three words empathy, proactivity, and engagement do not only form the basis of our business philosophy, but also form our name EMPROGAGE. We believe in the power of the human to make a better world through intentional decisions. EMPROGAGE is our context and our meeting place. We are creating the future together – welcome to co-create!

During Allmänndalen/CommonValley Emprogage co-creates Ship of a New Story – a plattform for dialog exploring the shift from best in the world to best for the world – www.shipofanewstory.com

Emprogage was founded in 2018 and is collectively owned by its Emprogagers. Emprogage’s way of working is self-organizing and co-creative. At the beginning of 2018 over 40 people were involved in the design of Emprogage. Emprogage is perceived as a web of life – we use the tree as a metaphor. A dynamic cell structure provides Emprogagers as well as Co-creators the opportunity to engage in projects they perceive as meaningful. The ownership of Emprogage is through the companies its members have established. That means Emprogage is at the same time a personal company as well as a collective. The aspect of non-duality is found in many aspects of Emprogage’s way of working, for example in the collective leadership responsibility and distributed decision making.

The Emprogagers have long experience in facilitation, transformation work, and leadership development and are involved in many co-creations. For an overview of services and currently involved projects, please visit www.emprogage.com.

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