

Cirkularitet, kretslopp och ekosystem

I Emprogage har vi en stark önskan att lära av andra och samtidigt bidra med de tankar och de erfarenheter vi har och skapar. Vi ser att fler och fler aktörer redan har delar av kretsloppsekonomin men hur kopplar vi dem samman på ett smart sätt? Detta är en av de stora fördelarna vi ser med CirEko såsom medlemsorganisation – en möjlighet till lärande, testbäddar och innovation.

Emprogage Welcomes three new Emprogagers – let’s co-create!

We are proud to annonuce the co-creation with three new inspiring and engaged Emprogagers – Erik Nilsson, Andreas Önnerfors and Anna Grassotti. Erik Nilsson works with nature as strategy and involves people in team work and sustainability by experiencing nature as a force for change. Out door meetings, conferences and concepts in nature are natural ways of …

Emprogage Welcomes three new Emprogagers – let’s co-create! Läs mer »

The Tree Metaphor

Ken Wilber’s AQAL model provides a holistic and non-dual perception of the world. That complex worldview provides an alternative to linear models. The Tree Metaphor represents different fundamental assumptions compared to the machine metaphor on which the paradigm we phase out is build upon.

Emprogage as a complex living system with its core functions in the Heart wood of the tree.

The Emprogage Being

Emprogage is not an ordinary consultancy. But what makes it different? Is it its Emprogagers or their co-creations? The self-organization in a dynamic cell structure? Working for what is best for the world? Or making intentional decisions and having the fundamental assumption that there is always a choice? Get to experience the wholeness of Emprogage through the Emprogage Being Document.

Tomas Holasek

Emprogage welcomes its latest Emprogager – Tomas Holasek

Emprogage welcomes a new consultant and owner. Emprogager Tomas Holasek is an experienced leader and interim-CEO who contributes in the direction of ego-less leadership behaviors. With his superpower to create environments of trust and to break down obstacles between people, we are excited to co-create into the direction that is best for the world. Welcome, Tomas!