
Emprogage Welcomes three new Emprogagers – let’s co-create!

We are proud to annonuce the co-creation with three new inspiring and engaged Emprogagers – Erik Nilsson, Andreas Önnerfors and Anna Grassotti.

Erik Nilsson works with nature as strategy and involves people in team work and sustainability by experiencing nature as a force for change. Out door meetings, conferences and concepts in nature are natural ways of working for Erik when engaging with organisations and people.

Professor Andreas Önnerfors is a well-known author and scholar within history of ideas and he is often engaged as an expert in news and tv debates concerning conspiracy theories as well as concepts for an open society. Andreas works with idea consulting, facilitating change from a world view perception.

Anna Grassotti works as transformational and integral coach and has a long experience from both international NGO’s and large events. Anna has abilities of listening behind words and posing questions with an holistic approach to life, leadership, people and organisations.

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