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FiDE webcast – an exploration of life

FiDE is the abbreviation for the Foundation for Intentional Decisions. At the same time, it means ’to trust’ in Latin. How would a life, a way of working and a society based on trust look like?

In this series of ten episodes Jens Rinnelt and Stellan Nordahl explore life – what it means, what it implies, and how we can look at it, choosing life-affirming directions.

Episode #0 – Intention of the FiDE webcast

If life is what we perceive as life, what then is perception? What informs our perception, or in other words how do we make sense of the world? And can we choose how we look at the world?

In this webcast, we embark on a philosophical and experience-based journey to explore life itself and the fundamental assumptions we hold about it. We look at how we form the worldviews, our perception, that we hold. We explore what happens if we choose to take on a different pair of glasses of how we look at the world.

Adopting a complex, holistic, and life-affirming worldview provides us with a practical and applicable ethical model for everyday decision-making on societal, organizational, team, and personal level.

You can support the content creation for FiDE on Patreon: BestfortheWorld

Watch and listen to the latest episode on the FiDE webcast on the following platforms:

Hosts of the FiDE webcast are:

Jens Rinnelt

Stellan Nordahl

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