
Roland Gudinge
Picture Poet and Strategist by Nature, Digital Intuitive
Roland wants to work in contexts that are at the forefront. He has a special affinity for the indescribable, which can only be seen by the one who sees and feels. In these contexts, Roland becomes the link to convey this to others in the context, the organization or society.
For Roland, Emprogage brings together people who share worldview and who together are a force that really makes a difference. Best for the world acts as a compass in everything from the small and everyday to the big and all-encompassing.
Contact: roland.gudinge@emprogage.se
More: www.moodframes.se

Stellan Nordahl
Business Philosopher, Leadership Consultant, Transformational Facilitator, Keynote Speaker
Stellan Nordahl is a well-known think inducer and inspirational facilitator passionate about the paradigm shift from becoming best in the world to be best for the world.
Stellan has been the initiator of the Intentional Decision model, to facilitate the shift by intentionally choosing empathy, proactivity and engagement. He is CEO of Nykraft AB, primus motor of the leadership program Insiktsfullt Ledarskap, and Co-creator of Emprogage.
Stellan has worked with business development, leadership and organisational culture for more than ten years. He holds a M.Sc. in Engineering Physics, a B.Sc in Business and Economics and a B.Sc in Social Science. He is also Captain in the Swedish Army.
Key words: Leadership, Next stage organizational architecture, Intentional decisions, Entrepreneurship, Facilitation, Dialogue.
Contact: stellan.nordahl@emprogage.se
More: www.nykraft.nu
Insightful Leadership: www.insiktsfulltledarskap.se
Life affirming habits: www.loveisa.se

Mette Koverberg
Graphic Recorder,
Mette is graphical by nature. She started to paint and draw at a very early age and she has continued ever since. She expresses both what is said and what is unspoken. She touches the outer as well as the inner world with her drawings and can facilitate and record seminars, events as well as dialogues and meetings. For Mette Emprogage represents the shift to a more open and understanding society and organisations. She believes in the good in people and for Mette ‘Best for the World’ means to see that good and enhance it. Contact: mette.koverberg@emprogage.se More: www.graphicview.se

Tomas Holasek
Leadership Consultant, Interim-CEO, Executive Coach
Tomas longs for ego-less leadership behaviours springing from human“one-ness” with all of nature. A leadership leading to that we actually want to reap everything we that we sow, with all its consequences.
As an interim-CEO and Executive Coach Tomas meets people where they are and invites them to question their thoughts and beliefs, so that new seeds can be sown.
For Tomas, Emprogage is an environment, a tool, and a foundation, for creating what has not yet been created, as well as a channel through which what has been created can widely be spread and executed.
Contact: tomas.holasek@emprogage.se

Alexandra Skoglund
Life Coach, Leadership Consultant, Transformational Facilitator, Motivational Speaker
Alexandra is a leader of the new generation. She works with personal and organizational development in many creative forms.
The foundation of Alexandras work is the belief that every soul on earth has a unique purpose and when we use life on earth the way our soul is intended to, great things happen. Playful Productivity is the beacon she uses when developing innovative workshops, courses and coaching programs in the field of personal development and business development.
You are the expert of YOU, Alexandra is the expert of the creative methods that put you in touch with your expertise! She dances in the moment, using the technique required in that specific situation.
Key words: New generation leadership, Entreprenueship, Facilitation, Dialogue.
Contact: alexandra.skoglund@emprogage.se
More: www.iamcoaching.com

Anders Hansson
IT Generalist, Co-creator, System Developer
Anders is passionate about empowering small businesses with all things software related.
With his experience accumulated over the last 20 years working as consultant within the software development industry, Anders enables early stage businesses and smaller businesses with adopting digitization more effectively.
Contact: anders.hansson@emprogage.se
More: www.programlabbet.se

Pontus Rystedt
Innovation Facilitator, Business Developer
Pontus has a passion for learning, development and improvement. He is always looking of new ways to add and share value, to create better products and to deliver great customer experiences. He also believes there is a better way to lead organizations.
“Your people, your customers and your community are longing for meaning. A meaningful business is good business”, Pontus Rystedt
Pontus is CEO of Hi3AB and Co-creator of Emprogage. He is engaged in Emprogage Trusts and part of the cell for Sustainable Strategy and Innovative Innovation.
Contact: pontus.rystedt@emprogage.se
More: www.hi3.biz

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Fredrik Skörvald
Adaptionsledare, Co-creator
Fredrik Skörvald has more than twenty five years of experience in leadership, management and support. He works to make businesses, groups and individuals successful, through support with change management, mentorship / coaching, business development and recruitment.
Fredrik has acted in the consultancy world for more than twenty years in roles such as consultant, educator, leader, business developer and CEO.
Contact: fredrik.skorvald@emprogage.se

Andreas Önnerfors
Mega Trend Analyst, Idea Consultant, Prof. in History of Science and Ideas
Andreas is Full Professor in Intellectual History and has a passion for global trend analysis, with a particular focus on intellectual networks and encounters, secret societies and conspiracy theories.
Contact: andreas.onnefors@emprogage.se
More: www.hyperhelikon.se

Kristina Diné
Senior Consultant, Gamified Learning
Kristina longs for meeting customers to listen for needs and understand how she can help to make a difference and to influence and co-create.
Kristina has big ears, and like Dumbo, she is good at listening and moving on in the emerging way. She is good at seeing relationships, similarities and matching and joining things. Everyone has different strengths, and bringing those together is what drives Kristina – together we can make a difference.
Kristina is happy to create together with others environments where the lack of 'must's' makes room for new things and ways. What we do in the small context affects the great thing in everything we do and together we strengthen it – how we feel, how we behave, and how we make others feel and behave. Proactivity, empathy and participation is important Kristina to create a context and a society where everyone is equally worthwhile – where we all can be best for the world.
Contact: kristina.dine@emprogage.se

Pontus Geborek
Senior Consultant, E-commerce Expert, Co-creator
Pontus is a human centric business coach with a heart for people with special abilities. As such, he often engages in various projects focusing on job market in the IT-industry.
Pontus has always been fascinated with both biology and technology. He started out with studying medicine at Lund University and then spent five years researching neurophysiology, where he made several scientific breakthroughs in how the brain incorporates sensory and motor information. During this time, Pontus realized that his true calling lies in technology, and in teaching. In 2017 he founded Ecomatic, an e-commerce partner, for delivering strategic advice as well as market leading IT-solutions on the e-commerce platform Magento.
Contact: pontus.geborek@emprogage.se
More: www.geborek.com

Eva Malmström
Coach, Mindfulness Instructor, Facilitator, Journalist
Eva loves coahing others to find their potential, and her strength is to work with creative processes and to turn things around to find new perspectives.
Eva is energized by curiosity and believes that respect and openness are important ingredients in meetings and realations between people.
Eva has many years as a leader in the media sector behind her and she has worked with everything from recruitment, brand development, digital transformation and other change processes. People and communication are what Eva is passionate about.
Contact: eva.malmstrom@emprogage.se

Janeth Andersson
Sustainability Generalist, Advisor
Janeth is passionate about the beautiful and immeasurable. Her strength lies in creating bridges between humans and earth, connecting nature to business and having the ability to see and create wholeness in large systems.
Janeth Andersson is a sustainability generalist, nature conservation engineer, environmental coordinator of buildings, advisor to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and an esteemed business developer. Introducing reverence for a sharing of resources with our earth is the driving force.
”To really do something for a better sustainable world, for a society, a company and for a person is my passion,” says Janeth.
Contact: janeth.andersson@emprogage.se
More: www.thinge.se

Johan Törnkvist
IT Consultant, App Developer, System Developer, Advisor
Johan has passion for how digital solutions can enhance, improve and innovate our current workflow and learning capabilities.
Johan has a long experience in creating customer-oriented learning solutions with the purpose to make the most efficient and sustainable solution available for the customer. He understands the importance of communication, preparations and implementations when it comes to digital innovations.
Contact: johan.tornkvist@emprogage.se
More: www.coursy.se

Monica Fallesen
Senior Consultant, Business Developer, Leadership Consultant
Monica is an eutusiast for making life easier for people with cognitive disabilities. She is an educator in different methods for people with neuropsyciatrics disordes, such as low arousal approach, evidene practice, quality and leadership development.

Erman Yeniler
Business Consultant, Networking Facilitator, Sales Expert
Erman Yeniler is an open minded business consultant and sales expert focusing on relations and the joint experience to create sustainable businesses.
Erman holds an holistic and strategic view of organisations and people as well as the operational ability to engage. Erman is well-known for his warm and including attitude and for his drive in creating opportunities and harvesting results. If you need a more whole and genuine approach in creating business, co-creation and in networking, pls contact Erman directly.
Contact: erman.yeniler@emprogage.se

Daniel Nordström
Communication Consultant, Facilitator, Climate Expert, Sustainability and Circularity Developer
Daniel Nordström is a warm-hearted and including communication and strategy consultant with more than one string on his bow.
With a well developed facilitation skill Daniel can hold any room and any question. He is furthermore an engaged climate expert working with the front line of sustainability together with for instance Gap Minder and CirEko co-creating the new paradigm. Daniel is a great speaking partner in the sustainability and climate dialogue, pls contact Daniel directly to take your thoughts to the next level.
Contact: daniel.nordstrom@emprogage.se
More: www.talkingbridge.se

Anna Grassotti
Integral Coach, Facilitator, Project Manager
Annas objective in life is to ignite change processes to enable a wider, more diverse and inclusive perspective into many other’s lives. Anna works as Integral Coach (ICFACC) and also provides train-the-trainer concepts for coaches.
Anna has worked for over twenty five years with project management, marketing and communications. Her strengths are identifying and exploring new opportunities as well as navigating and understanding different cultures and structures. Anna is a team player and she emphasizes co-creation; creating, as well as maintaining, good relationship with others. She is great in getting the big picture, identify the process, gather data, onboarding key stakeholders and sees both strategic and tactical perspectives. Anna has gained love for people – seeing truth, beauty and goodness.
Contact: anna.grassotti@emprogage.se

Erik Nilsson
Meeting Facilitator, Outdoor Explorer, Sustainability Innovator
Erik has a passion for meetings between people and earth. He works with sustainability innovation and sustainable business leadership.
With a passion for bringing the most from people and organisations Erik works with management meetings and workshops often in close collaboration with nature.
Contact: erik.nilsson@emprogage.se
More: www.cohive.se

Another Emprogager?
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Are you a consultant and looking for a community of changemakers?
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