
Organizing Principles

Organizing Principles by Mette Koverberg

Organizing Principles

Our organizing principles define our way of being and the way we organize EMPROGAGE as well as ourselves. The organizing principles should be seen as a whole. The principles, our attitude, and the way we act are in line with our joint purpose and supporting our guiding principles:

We choose EMPATHY before sympathy, PROACTIVITY over reactivity and ENGAGEMENT before attendance.
As our organizing principles we also choose LOVE before fear; BOTH AND instead of either or; INCLUDING WE as entity instead of we and they. We choose CONVERSATION and DIALOGUE instead of debate and polemics. And we LISTEN and pose questions to UNDERSTAND instead of questioning. We CLARIFY, ILLUSTRATE and ADJUST rather than explain and correct

Organizing Principles in a Context

  • In relation to OPENNESS / TRUST

    We are open for questions and ask questions to understand and create mutual clarity under any circumstance.

    We are curious and present, to endorse mutual engagement.

    We promote life affirming set ups.

    We challenge/explore power play behavior and seek to find the life affirming needs behind it.


    We create opportunity and connect desired consequences with responsibility.

    We as individuals are competent and capable of making conscious choice.

    Decisions are collectively distributed.

    We take responsibility for ourselves and the larger group.

    We share responsibility for the results and support each other in creating progress.

    We prioritize according to our guiding principles and purpose.

    We choose freely and in absence of prestige - each individual is assumed to be responsible and capable.

    We embrace and select our behavior to learn and improve the group’s performance, by clarifying and adapting rather than explaining and correcting.

  • In terms of LEARNING

    We act as co-creators, grow with each other, and choose mutual learning.

    We encourage change, improvement, and renewal in pursuit of what is best for the world.

    We share knowledge, learn from each other, and develop together.

    We use reflection and vision as tools to enhance the viable and experiment to learn.

    We create proactive habits to help us follow our purpose.

    We identify and stimulate behavior, patterns and language that moves us to become creators of possibilities.

    We identify and reduce impact of processes, tools and language that moves us to victims of circumstances.

  • In relation to the I CONTEXT

    I work from the perspective of:

    What I do gets done.

    What I take responsibility for I can influence.

    Through personal reflection I see choices and choose improvement.

    We believe in transparency in all matters - create insight, clarity, and sustainability.

    I self-organize and self-govern.

    In reflection of myself:

    I continuously find what is important for me and what I love.

    I focus on increasing my self-awareness to become comfortable with myself.

    I choose to see the good, see opportunity and see myself in that context.

  • In relation to CO-CREATORS

    We see people and organizations we meet as creators of their own experiences and environments.

    We are not observers – we intentionally create what is best for the world.

    We see the human as a part of nature.

    We include the client in the design, invite for co-creation.

    We see the individual as having higher level of consciousness than the organization.

    We see the human in the client rather than the client in the human.