Open Space
Organizational development in a self-organizing way
The idea is to held two invitational company-wide open space events with a 90 day period in between for running experiments and coming up with prototypes to irritate the organizational system and work on it together.
- 1 facilitator and a group of 15 – 50 pers 2-4h=30 000 SEK
- 2 facilitator and a group of 50 – 150 pers 2-4h=45 000 SEK
- Several facilitator and a group of <150 pers 2-4h=60 000 SEK
Graphic recording
The art of capturing conversations with hand drawn pictures so that meetings and events come alive!
Graphic visualization or Graphic recording is the art of capturing conversations with hand drawn pictures so that meetings and events come alive! A graphic recorder listen for key ideas and captures the main ideas from expert presentations delivered at live events, and turns them into memorable and eye-catching visual summaries on the fly. Graphic recording realy takes visual content to a new level, combining words and images in a fun format that people really relate to. The benefits of graphic recording:
- Supports the Facilitator. Graphic recording supports the facilitator by making ideas visible so the group can get on the same page. That’s a good thing.
- Validates Participants. The graphic recorder listens to the conversation during report outs, brainstorming, focus groups and other group discussions. Participants can actually see their input being captured and visualized with illustrations and text.
- Better Decision Making. Ideas are clarified and visible to everyone in the room. “Once the facts are clear, decisions jump out at you”- Peter Drucker.
- Increases Memory and Comprehension. Graphic recording creates a “visual memory” for attendees and it can increase retention up to 30%.
- Helps the Group to Maintain Focus. It’s easy for participants and attendees to get distracted, especially after lunch. Before you know it, someone is yawning and someone is looking at their cell phones. Having a graphic recorder in the room gives participants a way to bring their attention back to the discussion, catch up and stay focused. It’s also great for people who did not attend the meeting or conference. I often hear people say “I felt like I was there” after seeing the completed charts.
- Promotes Creativity. As soon as participants enter the room, they realize this is no ordinary meeting or conference. Big paper means BIG ideas. Graphic recording sets the stage for conversation and creativity.
- group of 5 – 15 pers (gemensamma mötesanteckningar)
- group of 15 – 100 pers 1-2h = 10 000 SEK (samskapande gemensam bild)
- group of 15 – 100 pers halvdag = 15 000 SEK (samskapande gemensam bild)
- group of 100< pers 1-2h = 10 000 SEK (berätta det som är sagt)
- group of 100< pers 1day = 25 000 SEK (berätta det som är sagt)
- group of 100< pers next day = 15 000 SEK = 4days = 70 000 (berätta det som är sagt) gemensam bild)